To date, the VENDÉE GLOBE is the only solo sailing race around the world that is non-stop and without assistance. The event followed in the wake of the Golden Globe that initiated the first circumnavigation of this type via the three
capes (Good Hope, Leeuwin and Horn) in 1968. 44,996 kilometres, or 24,296 miles.
That is the circumference of the Earth. The Vendée Globe accomplishes in 74 days this planetary voyage as participants sail down the Atlantic, across the Indian and face the challenges of the Pacific Ocean. The public refer to this arduous competition as the Everest of the seas, and this 9th edition will see 33 contenders depart from Les Sables-d‘ Olonne to take part in a life changing competition.Follow the
highlights of what happens weekly in the Vendée Globe as challengers sail to the journey of their lives.
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Top-Spielfilm am 07.03.
Ein alter Freund von M, Sir Robert King, wird im Gebäude des Secret Service durch eine Bombe getötet. Er plante den Bau einer Pipeline von Aserbaidschan bis zur Türkei, was nun in die Hände seiner Tochter Elektra fällt. Diese hat nun viele gefährliche Feinde, die allesamt den Bau der Pipeline verhindern wollen, 007 muss ihr deshalb Personenschutz geben. Doch was, wenn die Bedrohung aus...
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